This is Why The World is Talking About Kim Kardashian’s 'Awakening'

Dec 3, 2019Vita P

Kim Kardashian is planning a major fashion evolution for 2020. Find out everything you need to know about it here.

Kim Kardashian in red dress walking. photo from her Instagram

Kim Kardashian is undergoing major fashion evolution.

While fans of the Kardashian Jenner sisters might be aware of their band, one that seems to be synonymous with their roles as American sexy symbols. But it seems things are about to change, as Kim vows to show less skin in 2020. 

Kim Kardashian wearing her brand skims

 ‘I have kind of had this awakening myself.' Kim describes 'I realize I could not even scroll through Instagram in front of my kids without fully nudity coming up on my feed pretty much all the time,’ she shared with New York Magazine. ‘And I definitely contributed to that. I mean, one of my most iconic covers was the Paper Magazine one, when I was all oiled up and ripping my dress off.’

Kim added, ‘ I also did think, like okay, I’m here in the white house and then the next day I was posting, like, a crazy bikini selfie. And I was thinking. I hope they don’t see this. I have to go back there next week.’ 

Part of the reason for Kim dress code change is due to her husband, Kanye West. West's new conversion to Christianity seems to have some effect on Kim's style evolution. As Kim recently told The Cut, West has ‘voiced that sometimes too sexy is just overkill and he’s not comfortable with that’  

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West hugging

Although Kim did want to make it clear that she wasn’t changing her appearance for her husband. ‘I listen to him and understand him’ she said. ‘Still, at the end of the day, he always gives me the freedom to be and do what I want.’  

According to E News ‘for better or worse, Kim understands that some people think of her as a sex symbol. As for how she feels about it today, the businesswoman is the first to say “it can be complicated.” 

Going onto to describe how ‘these days, Kim is less focused on keeping up with the latest and greatest items. Instead, her priority is balancing family, businesses she cares about and becoming a lawyer.’

Apparently, it was the gunpoint robbery in Paris that had the greatest effect on Kim’s mindset. 

Kim Kardashian with family in photograph

‘I truly think once I got robbed it took something out of me in the best way. All the things that really mattered to me then deeply - how many bags I had, what car I drove… I still like all that stuff, but it doesn’t matter. It could go away. She shared ‘for so long people have tried to partner me with things. But this was the first thing where I thought, You know what? I want to go to law school. I want to help people’ 

Kim continued, ‘let me work for the next ten years and build up my brands and then one day, in then years, just give up being Kim K and become a lawyer. And now I’ve come to the realization about what I care about. No publicist would have ever told me to get into [rison reform.’ 

I guess we should never underestimate Kim Kardashian! 

What do you think about Kim’s fashion change? Do you think it will be hard to grow an underwear brand with this mindset? Let us know in the comments below. 

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